Got questions? Read this FAQ! WHY DID I GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT!? I'm a commercial actor (having appeared in over 100 TV ads) and need to keep myself looking as "commercial" as possible. So, like a lot of actors, that involves upkeep! And hair transplants have improved immensely in the past 20 years, to the point where you can't tell if someone has had one or not. In fact, I already had one -- about 10 years ago. But I've continued to lose my old hair, and needed another transplant to make my hair look fuller. (If you're curious, you can see my commercials here: ) HOW DOES IT WORK? It's a surprisingly simple concept. They take follicles from the back of your head and place them on the top and crown of the head (wherever they're needed), just like replanting a tree. The follicles from the back are stronger and "hang on" -- and continue to grow wherever they are placed. And they're permanent! WHAT IS FUE/NEOGRAFT? It's the latest and greatest method of hair transplantation. Instead of making an incision in the back of the head to remove a strip of hair, advanced surgeons like Dr. Bauman can now remove one follicle at a time and place them where they are needed individually. This way, healing time is quick and there will be no linear scar on the back of the head! DOES IT HURT? Amazingly, no. I didn't feel a thing during surgery, and after only slight discomfort the first night after surgery I felt back to normal during the minimal healing process. HOW WILL IT LOOK? Completely natural. Hair transplants got a bad rep in the 1970's and 1980's because all people knew was "hair plugs" -- which haven't existed in years! With today's procedures, even staring at the scalp up close, you'd never be able to tell some one has had a transplant after the hair has grown back in. WHY DID YOU GO PUBLIC? Because I don't understand why there's a stigma with hair transplants. People get them all the time, and plenty of your favorite celebrities (men and women) have had them. People talk about plastic surgery like it's no big deal, but are afraid to admit they've done something to their hair. After Kevin Nalty (aka Nalts) went public with his hair transplant (also with Dr. Bauman), I decided to do the same thing. Besides, Dr. Bauman and I made a great deal for mine, which included me going public! But I would not have gone to Dr. Bauman if he weren't an excellent, board certified surgeon. He is actually one of the best in the world. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? They're expensive, but worth it if your hair loss is something that really bothers you in your daily life. Normally the FUE NeoGraft procedure runs $10,000 to $20,000. The older type of procedure, which involves an incision in the back of the head, is considerably cheaper. (That's the kind I got 10 years ago, which is why in a couple shots of the back of my head you can see a scar.) But in my case, Dr. Bauman made me an excellent deal in exchange for publicity videos and interviews. Please note that I would never recommend a doctor unless I had complete confidence in him and his services. My experience with Dr. Bauman was absolutely top notch. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GROW IN? The follicles lay dormant for a few months, then start to grow. A year after the surgery, we'll be able to see 90% of the result! By the end of 2010, I'm going to have a nice, full, natural looking head of hair! :) For more info on FUE NeoGraft Hair Transplants, visit: See my in-depth interviews with Dr. Bauman here: Also check out Spencer Kobren's "The Bald Truth" here: